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Active IQ

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About us
The UK’s leading Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation for the physical activity sector, we offer over 100 accredited qualifications in a variety of disciplines from Entry-Level to Level 5. Within the apprenticeship sector, we offer End-point Assessments across the leisure, education, facilities management and community sectors. Our experienced assessors and knowledgeable apprenticeship team support apprentices, employers and training delivery teams to achieve the best outcomes. In 2022, we were acquired by NCFE, a move that presents significant opportunities to continue our growth and reach. This year also marks an incredible company milestone: our 20th anniversary.

Key products and services
As well as offering qualifications across the physical activity sector, business and administration, customer service and functional skills, we offer a highly diverse portfolio of additional products and services including:

• LMS Platform – providing comprehensive support to approved centres, with access to interactive educational webinars, CPD and resources in a variety of subjects.

• Professional Career Development – to qualify as a tutor, assessor or internal verifier and gain understanding of external quality assurance

• Professional Recognition – a ‘kitemark’ which encourages training centres to reach high standards

• End-point Assessment – we offer these services for over 22 apprenticeship standards with more in the pipeline

• International Programmes of Study – we offer a growing portfolio of International Programmes of Study including Fitness Assistant, Personal Training and Fitness Instructing. Content and delivery methods are tailored to ensure the programme is fit for purpose in each region

We also support a range of learning development initiatives, awards and events from the ukactive Active Uprising conference, Evolve, Elevate, Fit Summit and Dubai Active. We are a founding partner of the #DoingOurBit platform, a free fitness and mental wellbeing platform to support NHS staff.
case study: The Life-Changing Power of Regulated Qualifications - Rachel's story
The Life-Changing Power of Regulated Qualifications

Employing certified fitness professionals was recently named as one of the top 10 fitness trends for 2023 based on the annual ACSM Health and Fitness Journal’s worldwide survey. This comes as no surprise considering the unfortunate rise of low-cost, low-quality training that grew throughout the pandemic. Choosing regulated qualifications not only stands for credibility, but it ensures that learners are highly employable and well equipped to help and coach a wide range of clients. For many people, this helps forge a new, potentially life-changing career path.


When Rachel was just 18 months old, she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, a condition that affects a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. In 2018, she underwent a life-changing spinal operation to correct a curve and help her mobility.

“I was in a lot of pain after the surgery,” explains Rachel. “I was extremely weak and couldn’t get up. The recovery was quite intense.”

To help her regain her mobility, Rachel did physiotherapy and pool exercise, but it wasn’t until she returned to the gym, one year after her operation, that she started to make real gains in her abilities.

In 2018, Rachel reached out to a trainer to help her build her strength up. “I started going to the gym 2-3 times a week, eventually adding weight training to my routine. Every week, I could see improvement and mentally, I started to feel like myself again. My trainer helped me massively.”

The experience in the gym was so profound that Rachel decided she wanted to help people like herself and become a qualified personal trainer. She reached out to The Fitness Group, a leading UK fitness education provider to start her journey to become a fitness professional.

Working with Active IQ as their awarding organisation, The Fitness Group offers a tailored education experience for students. Originally a local provider in Glasgow, The Fitness Group is now one of the UKs leading training providers offering a range of full-time, part-time or online courses to students across the UK in everything from gym and PT courses to nutrition and sports massage.

Today, Rachel has successfully completed her Level 2 Fitness Instructor qualification and is working toward obtaining her Level 3 personal trainer.

“Training has changed my life so much,” she said. “It’s opened my eye up to possibilities.”

Since working with her trainer, Rachel has made massive gains in her fitness. She can lift 90kgs on her back, has completed a 10km race and even did a fitness photoshoot where she felt strong and confident.

She also has big plans for the future. Rachel recently launched her own online coaching business with her first sessions set to start in March. All 12 spots have been filled, three of which are with clients with cerebral palsy.

“My coach was amazing. He knew what cerebral palsy was and he was able to help me, but he didn’t have firsthand experience like I do,” said Rachel. “I know I can help people like me and inspire them.”
Rachel trained with The Fitness Group, an Active IQ accredited training provider / Ian Barclay
case study: Ascent Training Centre: Prioritising Education Internally and Commercially
As a dedicated Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL) centre, Ascent Training offers a variety of fitness, health and leisure courses enabling learners both internally and commercially to improve their skills or develop new ones. A large priority for the centre is ensuring that the professionals delivering their qualifications have access to a range of resources that, not only further their expertise, but also protect their wellbeing. Learning and development is at the heart of what Ascent Training Centre do, ensuring that all decisions made are in the best interest of students and the wider community.

Training Today’s Professionals

Ascent Training Centre is one of the many centres operating within Stevenage Leisure Limited (SLL), one of the UK’s most respected charitable leisure management trusts. All the courses Ascent deliver are designed to help learners develop a successful career in a number of fields, from gym instructors to lifeguards. It is rare for leisure centres to prioritise learning and development like Ascent Training Centre does; their system of simultaneously offering internal/commercial education alongside day-to-day leisure operations allows them to go above and beyond what is expected of a leisure centre. Ascent Leisure Centre makes the education and wellbeing of their tutors a priority by releasing the dates of their courses internally to staff, offering a chance for progression and upskilling which effectively translates over to their students. Ascent Leisure offers subsidised learning opportunities for SLL staff on certain courses to help more people develop their skills, helping more staff members to gain access to new career pathways, which helps to increase staff retention and loyalty.

Learning Together

Ascent Leisure has been working with Active IQ since 2016, offering a number of their market-leading fitness qualifications to people internally and commercially. Ascent Training Centre ensured trainers were upskilled in the Active IQ qualifications so they would be able to efficiently deliver the qualification to learners as well as other trainers. As Corporate Training Manager Sharon Hunter explains,

“Allowing our trainers to have first dibs on the courses helps with staff progression and employee development far more than if we were reliant on an external provider.”

With learners at the heart of what they do, Ascent Leisure and Active IQ are able to adjust the courses offered to meet demands.

“We introduced the Level 2 Swimming Teacher and Level 2 Gym Instructor courses because demand internally was very high” says Sharon.

Since working with Active IQ, Ascent Training Centre has been able to offer a diverse range of qualifications that extend beyond the leisure industry, for example the Health and Safety courses that go out to businesses across the UK allow them to educate and train a number of industries in important sectors.

Active IQ also offers a range of resources and guidance which allows Ascent Leisure to constantly improve on what they deliver. As Sharon Hunter explains,

“We’ve always had a good relationship with Active IQ – they’re always forthcoming with new ideas, help and guidance. We want to expand on the fitness side of our offering and they are helping us to plan and move forward with this.”

A key resource provided by Active IQ is Talent Match whereby you can search for relevant trainers through the qualification you are looking for. To run a course, Ascent Leisure requires a trainer, assessor and IQA so this resource helps them to upskill their staff to be able to deliver the training to more centres.

Mental Health Awareness Training

The most recent Active IQ qualification that has proven popular at Ascent Training Centre is the Level 2 Award in Mental Health Awareness. After a staff member won an Active IQ award, they were given one of three spaces available on the qualification and after realising the impact it could have on staff, Ascent Leisure decided to put most managers and safeguarding officers through the qualification. Sharon Hunter explained,

“The reason we did it was that we noticed after COVID, more people than ever were suffering from mental ill-health. We want to be able to support our staff the best we can, and we felt as though the understanding surrounding mental health was not as good as we’d like it to be.”

The qualification allowed senior staff to be more aware of the signs of mental ill health. It also provided them with resources to offer to their team who were struggling. With the awareness of where to direct people as well as the vocabulary to respond, the managers at Ascent Leisure are now fully equipped to respond to mental health issues which is important as they are the ones most likely to have a member of staff approach them when they are in distress.

“The course was amazing – all of us were so impressed with the quality of the course and how the content was delivered. We now have a great understanding of how we should deliver it going forward” says Sharon.

Ascent Leisure has confirmed they will continue to encourage their trainers across all levels to speak openly about their mental health and seek help if they’re struggling,

“We will be putting a notice up in the staffroom with who has taken the course so trainers know who they can approach if they need to talk” says Sharon.

They will be encouraging trainers across all levels to pursue the qualification so everyone can widen their understanding of mental health and know the resources available for themselves as well as their colleagues.
case study: BodyHack
BodyHack is an award-winning education provider of Active IQ Fitness Qualifications, delivering training in the UAE, Oman and Egypt. Founders Heba Abdel and Yousef ElFakhri used to teach for Active IQ centres in the UK before moving to Dubai in 2012 to set up their own academy.

Being a training provider of Active IQ qualifications for over eight years, both Heba and Yousef have learned a lot over the years that has helped them to grow their academy.

“We have found that learners in this region need deadlines and need to be entertained during lectures to say focused – we like to call it ‘edutainment’. Learners seem to get the most out of face-to-face training, so we always try and make this a priority where possible,” says Heba.

“Pre-enrollment screening is a must to ensure learners that enrol for our classes have actually been training in a gym.”

When choosing an awarding organisation for their academy, Active IQ was an easy decision.

“One of the reasons we chose Active IQ is that we know first-hand from when we were teaching in the UK that their support and quality assurance is second to none,” explains Heba.

“Every year we get inspected and are held accountable which keeps us on our toes and ensures that the students are getting the best possible experience. We receive regular support and contact from the team at Active IQ, and any questions we have are answered within 24 hours.”

The new International Diploma offered by Active IQ will open up many opportunities for students looking to get their diploma.

“For students whose first language isn’t English, the number of assignments and worksheets with UK-specific answers, and require answers to be filled out in English are normally difficult. The International Diploma will incorporate more interactive assessments on the Active IQ platform that will make the training more accessible.”

BodyHack has major plans for the future to continue their expansion and offer a wider range of qualifications.

“Our plan for the next five years is to expand to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, South Korea and South Africa as well as offer more CPDs and Level 4 qualifications.”
Active IQ video gallery:
Plans for the next 12 months
A range of refreshed qualifications will be launched, and we will be adding new digital content to our LMS Platform providing additional CPD and resources to our customers. We will also be growing our presence internationally with both new and existing training providers from around the world. We have extended our portfolio of international offerings with the Active IQ Personal Training and Fitness Instructor International Programmes of Study offering high quality education to even more learners around the world.
Our goal is to extend our expertise in the UK fitness sector internationally and we’re thrilled to have several partners across the Middle East and Africa joining us on this mission.
Key personnel
Jenny Patrickson, managing director
James McPherson, commercial director
Gavin Baxter, head of business development
Key customers
We work with over 500 approved centres in the UK and globally, including private training providers, colleges, employers, leisure service providers, universities, colleges, schools, nursery settings, prisons, young offender institutes and international centres.
"Success isn't just about reaching a destination, it's about embracing the journey and committing to growth every step of the way. At Study Active, we understand that providing exceptional learning experiences means partnering with those who share our values of innovation and quality. That's why we chose to team up with Active IQ - they're not only a modern and flexible partner, but they're also dedicated to helping us provide the best resources and support to our students. Utilizing their business insights into trends and demands, we can ensure that we're providing what our students need to succeed. From webinars to e-clinics, we're able to onboard tutors more efficiently and offer a plethora of additional courses to help our students and teachers alike reach their full potential.”
– James Luscombe, Managing Director of Study Active
“The quality of Active IQ’s provision is excellent and I consider them a trusted provider. The business development team was very supportive of my idea to focus this training on students. After excellent feedback from a couple of staff colleagues, I decided to pilot the Level 2 in Mental Health Awareness with a cohort of 308 students. It proved so successful that we are now rolling it out across our entire student body by incorporating it into the curriculum.

“Mental health issues among students are not going away anytime soon. If anything, they could become worse for those students who have had no exams and lack experience in managing the stress and pressure of these. Young adults need all the help they can get to support their mental health as they study and prepare to start work.

“I would strongly recommend other colleges to look at the Active IQ Level 2 Award in Mental Health Awareness. It stands apart from the majority of qualifications that comprise off-the-shelf generic materials. This qualification captures the imagination of the learners and makes the topic relevant. It has had a significant impact on a lot of our students and we are now rolling it out across the entire college as we believe everyone can gain from having these skills and knowledge.”
– Mike Ridley, Head of Department - General Further Education, Bishop Burton College
"I am extremely pleased with the level of service Active IQ has provided me, and the apprentices on the Teaching Assistant Standard and Early Years Educator Standard. The team provided us with “how to guides” which were extremely helpful to enrol learners on EPA Pro and upload evidence of work to present apprentices to gateway. Using the guides, and guidance from Active IQ staff I was easily able to present learners to gateway and observe their status throughout the EPA process.

"I am particularly impressed with the support End-point Assessors provided for the apprentices as some were nervous about the process and assessment. The assessors spent time to introduce themselves, talk through the End-point Assessment requirements, and successfully booked a convenient day and time for the EPA to take place. Each assessment was booked promptly and within a week or two of me presenting learners to gateway – an incredible turn around!"
– Jennifer Walker, Curriculum Leader Early Years, Education and Social Sciences, Bolton College
updates & press releases
11 Jul 2024
Industry heavyweight David Stalker joins Active IQ as independent adviser
David Stalker, President of EuropeActive and a CIMSPA chartered fellow is joining Active IQ from July 2024. As an independent advisor, David will provide strategic consultancy, support Active IQ’s growth plans, and represent Active IQ within external industry engagement.

David’s guidance and consultancy will be driven particularly through the lens of improving quality standards in the fitness sector, a space that he is highly passionate about.

David Stalker comments: “I have advocated for Active IQ for many years and highly valued its contributions and work within the fitness sector. As our industry gains momentum in becoming a recognised solution to public health problems, driving standards is more important than ever. Active IQ plays a core role in this mission and I’m thrilled to work alongside the organisation to support our collective mission of improving the quality of education and standards in the industry.”

“I look forward to contributing to AIQ’s growth and encouraging fitness professionals to engage in further education to advance their careers."

Commenting on David’s appointment, Managing Director of Active IQ, Jenny Patrickson says: “David’s unwavering commitment to promoting active lifestyles and high-quality education in the fitness and leisure sector aligns with Active IQ’s goals. The synergy of the partnership, David’s deep-rooted passion, and his drive to make a positive change make him an invaluable asset to Active IQ. We are incredibly excited to work with him to further promote a high standard of qualification for fitness professionals and drive collective industry-wide change. ”

David Stalker has long advocated for promoting healthy lifestyles across the UK. His deep experience and strategic expertise will be instrumental in supporting Active IQ’s commitment to developing the skills and careers of professionals within the active leisure and wellbeing sector.

For more information about Active IQ and its initiatives, please visit
David Stalker has joined Active IQ to lead sector engagement
Credit: David Stalker / Active IQ
09 Jul 2024
New technical qualifications from Active IQ reinforce commitment to future-proofing fitness sector
Active IQ, the UK’s leading Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation for the physical activity sector, has announced the launch of four new technical qualifications with approved funding from the Department of Education:

• Level 3 Technical Occupational Entry in Personal Training

• Level 3 Technical Specialist in Sports Massage Therapy

• Level 3 Technical Specialist in Optimising Training for the Ageing Client

• Level 3 Technical Specialist in Adapting Physical Activity for Antenatal and Postnatal Clients

The Department of Education’s approval and funding of these brand-new courses reflect Active IQ’s ongoing commitment to delivering qualifications that meet the dynamic needs of the fitness industry, while maintaining the highest educational standards.

The development of these qualifications is crucial for addressing growing needs within the industry and the changing profile of the population. The number of people aged 60 or over is expected to pass the 20 million mark by 2030[1]. In addition, recent statistics show that 64% of pregnant women or women with children under one year have experienced nervousness or anxiety related to physical activity.[2] These areas require specialised skills to ensure that professionals are well-equipped to provide essential and tailored services.

The funding approved by the Department of Education showcases the importance of these qualifications in fostering a skilled and adaptable workforce, recognising the need for industry-relevant training that supports both current demands and future trends within the fitness industry.

Active IQ’s robust Employer Engagement Strategy has been instrumental to the ongoing development and review of their qualifications and a key driver for the introduction of the new technical qualifications. Through a variety of channels, Active IQ is consistently gathering valuable feedback and insights from industry stakeholders, ensuring that qualifications are not only current but aligned with the evolving nature of the fitness sector.

“Collaborating with Active IQ on these qualification reforms has been a truly insightful process and has given us more of an appreciation and understanding of what’s involved when it comes to developing or reforming qualifications,” explains Aaron McCulloch, Co-Owner and Director at Your Personal Training. “Their commitment to engaging with industry stakeholders is second to none and has been a key factor in ensuring the qualifications meet the real-world needs of the fitness sector. We are proud to be involved in shaping these programs, which will undoubtedly equip future fitness professionals with the essential skills to thrive and adapt in our ever-evolving industry.”

“Our industry is constantly evolving and adapting, and it’s our responsibility to ensure that our qualifications are forward-thinking to anticipate the skills and knowledge that will be in demand,” explains Jenny Patrickson, Managing Director at Active IQ. “We are always talking with employers and professionals in the industry which has allowed us to create qualifications that exceed industry standards, and we believe these new qualifications will equip our learners with the essential tools they need to succeed in their careers."

Lee Buck, Head of Product Development at Active IQ, adds: “These new qualifications we’ve introduced are a testament to the valuable insights we receive from the industry. This collaborative approach was instrumental in securing funding and approval from the Department for Education and their support underscores the relevance of our qualifications in preparing a skilled workforce for the evolving fitness landscape."
Jenny Patrickson, Managing Director at Active IQ Credit: Active IQ
07 Dec 2023
Active IQ wins Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year at 2023 FAB Awards
Active IQ is delighted to announce it was named winner of the Social Responsibility initiative of the Year at the 2023 FAB Awards, which recognise the contributions made by awarding organisations and their employees to education and skills in the UK over the past year.

The Social Responsibility Initiative of the Year is awarded to an operator which introduced initiatives demonstrating outstanding commitment to making a positive impact on society. Active IQ's 'Healthy People, Healthy Planet' sustainability strategy outlines an ambitious plan to become a more sustainable business, with the goal of becoming a carbon-neutral organisation by 2024. Active IQ has made significant progress, reducing its estimated CO2 emissions from 207.46 tonnes in 2019 to 142.66 tonnes in 2022, reflecting its dedication to a more sustainable and responsible approach.

Dave Erasmus, Chairman of carbon management platform, Our Carbon, who helped Active IQ develop its strategy, commented: “Active IQ's success at the FAB Awards is a rightful recognition of their deep commitment to carbon responsibility, far beyond mere lip service. Their approach is considered, consistent and clear and focused on deep cultural change in sustainability. At Our Carbon, we take pride in having equipped Active IQ with an approach grounded in transparency and accuracy, guiding their initial steps on this meaningful shift. Their progress serves as an inspiring example for others to follow.”

Managing Director of Active IQ, Jenny Patrickson further added: “We are honoured to be recognised for our sustainability strategy, a testament to Active IQ's unwavering commitment to building a sustainable future. As we journey towards carbon neutrality by 2024, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of a more sustainable and responsible approach, inspiring others to join us on this crucial path. I extend my gratitude to the entire Active IQ team for their dedication and to Our Carbon for guiding us on this meaningful shift toward a brighter, greener future."

Apprentice of the Year
Active IQ was also shortlisted for Apprentice of the Year and is immensely proud of Duriye Gungor, who represented Active IQ and partner provider, LMP Education. Duriye was nominated after showcasing her commitment to both personal and professional growth and in Nursery Management whilst running her own business.

For more information about Active IQ and its offerings, please visit
Active IQ’s sustainability strategy was recognised for its outstanding commitment to making a positive impact on society Credit: Active IQ
03 Aug 2023
Active IQ and Future Fit partner to launch new management qualifications in the UK physical activity sector
Active IQ, a leading awarding organisation in the UK physical activity sector, and Future Fit, one of the UK’s foremost providers of education, and learning and development solutions in the health and physical activity sector, are pleased to announce their partnership and the development of two new management qualifications set to launch later this year.

The collaboration between these industry giants brings together their shared vision and values, aiming to address the skills gap and elevate the professionalism of the sector.

Launching later this year, the Active IQ Level 3 Award in the Principles of Management, is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of management principles. Throughout this qualification, learners will cover essential topics such as effective decision making, leadership styles and models, the role and processes of management, performance measurement, and equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.

The second qualification, the Active IQ Level 3 Certificate in the Principles of Management and Business, builds upon the foundation of the Level 3 Award and expands the scope to include additional critical areas. Learners will delve into topics such as business innovation and growth, budgeting and finance, recruitment processes, performance management, and how to facilitate professional development and implement a performance appraisal.

These new qualifications have been developed in response to the need for a structured pathway to professional management roles within the physical activity sector. By partnering with GM Active, a group of operators representing the twelve councils in Greater Manchester, who are responsible for 99 leisure and sports facilities, Active IQ and Future Fit have identified a gap in business and management experience among individuals working in these roles. The qualifications aim to bridge this gap and create a pipeline for progression from gym instructor and personal trainer positions to junior leadership roles within GM Active.

Speaking about the partnership, Stuart Liversedge, Business Development Manager from Active IQ said, "We are delighted to collaborate with Future Fit, one of the leading providers in the industry, to create these innovative management qualifications. Our shared vision and values have allowed us to develop qualifications that address the specific needs of the sector and offer learners a comprehensive understanding of management principles."

Future Fit has played a significant role in the development of these qualifications, with their expertise and insights directly informing the content and structure. Tom Godwin, Group Operations Director at Future Fit said, "Our relationship with Active IQ and our combined commitment to excellence in education has paved the way for this partnership. These qualifications, tailored to the needs of GM Active and the sector as a whole, represent a significant step in professionalising management roles and ensuring the highest quality service for the public."

The Active IQ Level 3 Award in the Principles of Management and the Active IQ Level 3 Certificate in the Principles of Management and Business are the first of their kind, specifically written to meet the needs of a major leisure trust. What sets these qualifications apart is their bespoke nature, providing relevant and practical skills that directly improve the success rate for learners.

The target audience for these qualifications includes organisations like the aspiring leadership team within GM Active, with the aim of enhancing their professionalism and career prospects. By closing the staffing gaps across the leisure trust, GM Active has ensured the continued delivery of the highest quality service to the general public across their leisure centres. With approximately 50 managers enrolled, these qualifications have the potential to impact as many as 500-800 individuals within the sector.

Future plans include the nationwide rollout of these qualifications, extending their impact across the UK. The partnership between Active IQ and Future Fit is built on the goal of championing quality education and thought leadership. Together, they aspire to expand their collaboration and explore opportunities in the international fitness market, making bespoke training available to major organisations in the health and wellness space.

These qualifications are particularly relevant in the current landscape, where many individuals have found themselves in management roles without the necessary background or skills. The aim is to reward and recognise these "Accidental managers" by providing them with the appropriate training and promotion opportunities.

Further information will be available when these qualifications launch later in the year.
Stuart Liversedge, Business Development Manager Credit: Active IQ
27 Jun 2023
Active IQ Celebrates 20th Anniversary: Two Decades of Excellence in Qualifications and Learning Solutions
Active IQ, the UK’s leading Ofqual-recognised awarding organisation for the physical activity sector, is thrilled to announce its 20th anniversary on Tuesday 27th June 2023. Over the past two decades, Active IQ has established itself as a trailblazer in the industry, evolving from a single training provider to an expansive network of over 500 partners. With an initial offering of just four qualifications, Active IQ now boasts an impressive portfolio of over 100 qualifications, empowering individuals worldwide to thrive in their chosen fields.

Reflecting on the journey, Jenny Patrickson, Managing Director of Active IQ, stated, "Active IQ started as Premier International Qualifications with only one training provider, and today, we are honoured to have over 500 partners. Our growth has been remarkable, and it is a testament to the dedication and expertise of our team. We are proud to be one of the first awarding organisations specialised in the active leisure sector."

Throughout its 20-year history, Active IQ has adeptly navigated various government qualification frameworks, demonstrating agility and commitment to meeting the ever-changing regulatory requirements. From the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) to the current Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF), Active IQ has continuously adapted its qualifications to align with the evolving standards.

Patrickson further emphasised, "Adapting to each new government framework and engaging in qualification reform projects has been an integral part of our journey. We understand the importance of staying current and relevant, which is why we have consistently invested significant efforts behind the scenes to meet the needs of the sector and regulatory requirements."

In 2017, Active IQ entered the world of apprenticeship End-point Assessment (EPA) as the government launched new apprenticeship standards, allowing the organisation to diversify and capitalise on the changing landscape. Since then, the EPA division has experienced tremendous growth, becoming a robust and integral part of Active IQ's operations.

Active IQ has also made significant strides in the digital realm, offering a state-of-the-art LMS platform known as the Skills Hub, for eLearning and CPD digital content. Launched in 2018, Skills Hub has garnered an impressive user base, surpassing 20,000 users. By providing valuable support and resources, including eLearning initiatives well before they became popular, Active IQ has consistently set itself apart as an industry leader.

Patrickson highlighted the company's recent focus on expanding its international presence, stating, "In the last two years, we have been increasingly focused on our international offering and markets. We leverage our expertise to support countries that lack an accredited qualification system, with a growing presence in ten different territories. We believe in the value and recognition of UK qualifications worldwide."

Looking ahead to the next 20 years, Active IQ aims to diversify its learning content, incorporating programmes that provide greater flexibility and microlearning experiences. Additionally, the organisation plans to explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in maximising the efficacy of its learning products, while also expanding the range of learning methodologies to cater to diverse learning styles. The company also plans to become carbon neutral by 2024, a key goal outlined in their new Sustainability Strategy announced earlier this year.

Patrickson expressed enthusiasm about Active IQ's future prospects, stating, "We are excited about the opportunities presented by our recent acquisition by NCFE. By leveraging the synergies between our organisations, we will explore new avenues for growth and further enhance our value proposition."

However, Active IQ acknowledges the challenges ahead, including the post-COVID recovery of the leisure sector, the cost-of-living crisis, and the need to attract new talent while upholding quality standards. The organisation is committed to working together with industry stakeholders to combat the reputation challenges associated with digital learning and raise the bar for quality provision.

"Active IQ's success lies in the unwavering commitment of our small yet highly dedicated team of industry specialists. With a focus on understanding the sector's needs, building connections, and being present where it matters, we have consistently differentiated ourselves. Our numerous awards and recognition are a testament to the outstanding job we do," said Patrickson.

Active IQ's achievements include winning the prestigious Supplier of the Year award at the ukactive Flame Awards in 2017, underscoring its commitment to excellence and industry leadership.
Patrickson highlighted the company's recent focus on expanding its international presence Credit: Active IQ
02 Mar 2023
Active IQ Launches Personal Training and Fitness Instructor Programmes of Study for International Markets
Active IQ has expanded its international offering with the introduction of the Active IQ Personal Training and Fitness Instructor international Programmes of Study. Following the successful launch of the Fitness Assistant Programme of Study in 2022, Active IQ is extending its portfolio of international offerings to even more learners around the world.

Following a thorough onboarding, Move Fitness in Egypt, and AfroFit in Kenya, will be the first approved international centres to offer the Active IQ international programmes.

“Neither Move Fitness nor AfroFit have worked with UK standards of education before, so we’ve worked closely with both operators to set them up for success,” said Gavin Baxter, Head of Business Development at Active IQ. “Both operators plan to use the new international programmes to upskill and develop their staff as well as offer education commercially as another revenue source for their business. Our goal is to extend our expertise in the UK fitness sector to the international fitness industry and we’re thrilled to have the teams at Move Fitness and AfroFit as our first partners on this mission.”

Recognising that different countries have different health and safety requirements and assessment needs, the content and delivery methods are tailored to ensure the programme is fit for purpose in each region. Both the Active IQ Fitness Instructor and Personal Training programmes support the essential skills and knowledge required to work as a fitness instructor or personal trainer in the Health and Fitness Industry at UK Level 2 and 3 (EQF Level 3 and 4), respectively.

“The format of the course is flexible to accommodate various international teaching requirements and adapt to each country’s needs rather than asking all centres to align to the same strict guidelines,” Gavin continued.

The content can be delivered online, combined with classroom support. The assessments are completed online with practical skills demonstrated through filmed materials and other interactive assessments. Each training centre will develop its own delivery model to ensure a tailored approach can be followed, all the while supported by the eManual developed by Active IQ.  

This flexible programme can be readily adapted to suit different international markets ensuring it meets the various international teaching requirements in each country and their local demands.  Common to all adaptations is the requirement to achieve high standards set by Active IQ, with content that is mapped to EuropeActive Standards. 

The Active IQ Personal Training and Fitness Instructor Programme of Study is ready for delivery now with training providers around the world.

For more information, visit Personal Training – International Qualifications from Active IQ or Fitness Instructor – International Qualifications from Active IQ.
Active IQ is extending its portfolio of international offerings Credit: Active IQ
Active IQ: news from and
Employers within the fitness and physical activity sector could do more when it comes to ensuring their workforces have the support they need to deal with mental health issues.
Active IQ has been acquired by educational charity NCFE from its parent company, US-based Ascend Learning.
Premier Global NASM, which is owned by US-based Ascend Learning, has announced it's winding up its operations in the UK.
Active IQ: featured in Sports Management, HCM and Fit Tech magazines
Active IQ has set itself the fast- track target of being carbon neutral by 2024, as CEO, Jenny Patrickson explains
Fuel the debate about issues across the industry and share your best practice. We’d love to hear from you – [email protected]
Active IQ
Tel: 01480 467950
Address: Dryden House, St John's St, Huntingdon, PE29 3NU, England
Jenny Patrickson, managing director
Active IQ video gallery:
Key personnel
Jenny Patrickson, managing director
James McPherson, commercial director
Gavin Baxter, head of business development
Key customers
We work with over 500 approved centres in the UK and globally, including private training providers, colleges, employers, leisure service providers, universities, colleges, schools, nursery settings, prisons, young offender institutes and international centres.